Although the Buddha is normally represented sitting and, sometimes, lying down with closed eyes, it should be noted that he was not very fond of sleeping. Not only that, but he directed all kinds of expletives. And even more, he considered it a form of slavery. If you like sleep, you have a problem. What things… For an ordinary person, that is, one who is not noble because he has not reached any level of enlightenment, sleep is an activity that occupies at least a third of life. That is, sleep is a real waste of time, it is sterile for life, it is useless for life and it is insensitive to life. It is well known that the great geniuses of Humanity sleep little, very little. Their precious time they use in their creations, or for themselves. Leonardo da Vinci organized a schedule in which he slept 20 minutes every 4 hours, 2 hours of sleep a day. That Tesla tried and almost crazy. His competitor, Thomas Edison, did. Other geniuses, less geniuses, get up at four o’clock. But no more, although some spent more time snoring than thinking, as is the case with Einstein. Although, by dint of being sincere, Don Alberto had two magical moments in his life, one in 1905 and another in 1916, and he spent the rest living off the fame that those two geniuses gave him. You could properly say that of fame and go to sleep. And for the genius of Humanity, the Buddha. While the others slept, he spent his time walking alone in the light of the moon and the stars. These are some brushstrokes that help us understand sleep from the perspective of the Buddha: Collection of thematically grouped discourses Supati Sutta 4.7. Sleep On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling in the grove of bamboos, in the shrine of the squirrels, near Rajagaha. Then, when it was night, the Blessed One, having spent a large part of the night walking from one place to another in the open, washed his feet, entered his abode and lay down on his right side in the position of the lion, with one of the legs placed on the other, attentively conscious and with clear compression, having attended to the idea of getting up. Collection of speeches grouped numerically 8.79. Slope «Monks, these eight characteristics lead to the decline of a monk who is an apprentice. And, what are those eight? The delight in the work, the delight in the talks, the delight in sleeping, the delight in the company, the failure to protect the doors of the sensory faculties, the lack of moderation in the food, the delight in the bond and the delight in proliferation. These eight characteristics lead to the decline of a monk who is an apprentice. Collection of speeches grouped numerically 5.206. Slavery «Monks, here are these five mental bondages. And, what are those five? «Behold, monks, the monk does not avoid greed for sensual pleasures, does not avoid desire, affection, passion or craving for them. When the monk does not avoid greed for sensual pleasures, does not avoid desire, affection, passion or craving for them, his mind is not inclined to ardor, effort, perseverance or energy. And since your mind is not inclined to ardor … or energy, this is the first mental bondage. «Besides, monks, the monk does not avoid greed for the body … this is the second mental bondage. «Besides, monks, the monk does not avoid greed for form … this is the third mental bondage. «In addition, monks, having eaten all they wanted to fill their bellies, the monk yields to the pleasure of rest, to the pleasure of laziness, to the pleasure of sleeping … this is the fourth mental slavery. «In addition, monks, the monk lives his spiritual life aspiring to a certain world of the devas, thinking: ‘Through this virtuous conduct, observance, austerity or spiritual life, I will become a deva or be in the company of the devas ‘ When the monk lives his spiritual life aspiring to a certain world of the devas, thinking: ‘Through this virtuous behavior, observance, austerity or spiritual life, I will become a deva or be in the company of the devas’, his mind it does not lean towards ardor, effort, perseverance or energy. And since your mind is not inclined to ardor … or energy, this is the fifth mental bondage. «These are, monks, the five mental bondages.» «Monks, these eight qualities lead to the non-decline of a monk who is an apprentice. And, what are those eight? Not having pleasure in work, not having delight in chats, not having delight in sleeping, not having delight in company, safeguarding the doors of sensory faculties, moderation in food, not having delight in the bond and not have delight in proliferation. These eight qualities lead to the non-decline of a monk who is an apprentice. « Collection of thematically grouped discourses Adittapariyaya Sutta 35,235. Exhibition on burning «Monks, I’m going to show you the Dhamma exhibition on the subject of ardor. Listen and pay attention I’m going to talk. « – «Yes, venerable sir,» the monks replied and the Blessed One continued: «And, what is it, monks, the exposition of Dhamma on the subject of ardor? It would be better, monks, for the faculty of the eye to be lacerated by a red iron pin of heat, ardent, flaming, burning, that to grasp by one the sign through the characteristics of the knowable form through the eye. If one died when consciousness was linked to the gratification of the sign or its characteristics, it is possible that one would go to one of these two destinations: hell or the animal kingdom. Having seen this danger, I declare it. «It would be better, monks, for the faculty of the ear to be lacerated by a sharp stake of fiery, flaming, burning iron, which to grasp by one the sign through the characteristics of sound knowable through the ear. If one died when consciousness was linked to the gratification of the sign or its characteristics, it is possible that one would go to one of these two destinations: hell or the animal kingdom. Having seen this danger, I declare it. «It would be better, monks, for the faculty of the nose to be lacerated by a sharp, burning, flaming, red-hot nail cutter, that would grab the sign through one through the characteristics of the knowable aroma through the nose. If one died when consciousness was linked to the gratification of the sign or its characteristics, it is possible that one would go to one of these two destinations: hell or the animal kingdom. Having seen this danger, I declare it. «It would be better, monks, for the faculty of the tongue to be lacerated by a sharp blazing, flaming, burning knife, which would grasp for one the sign through the characteristics of the knowable taste through the tongue. If one died when consciousness was linked to the gratification of the sign or its characteristics, it is possible that one would go to one of these two destinations: hell or the animal kingdom. Having seen this danger, I declare it. «It would be better, monks, for the faculty of the body to be lacerated by a sharp, burning, flaming, red-hot pole, than to grasp for one the sign through the characteristics of the tactile object knowable through the body. If one died when consciousness was linked to the gratification of the sign or its characteristics, it is possible that one would go to one of these two destinations: hell or the animal kingdom. Having seen this danger, I declare it. «It would be better, monks, to sleep – even though sleeping, monks, it is sterile for life, it is useless for life and insensitive to life – than to think things that could induce one, who succumbed under his control, to achieve the schism within the Sangha.Having seen this danger, I declare it. «In consideration of this, monks, the learned noble disciple reflects thus: ‘Having left the faculty of the eye lacerated by a red iron pin of heat, burning, flaming and burning, I will attend only this: the eye is impermanent, the forms are impermanent, the consciousness of the eye is impermanent, the contact of the eye is impermanent, any sensation arising from the contact of the eye as a condition-whether pleasurable, painful or unpleasant-nor painful-is also impermanent. «‘Having left the faculty of the ear lacerated by a sharp stake of burning iron, flaming and burning, I will attend only this: the ear is impermanent, the sounds are impermanent, the consciousness of the ear is impermanent, the contact of the ear is impermanent , any sensation arising from the contact of the ear as a condition – whether pleasurable, painful or unpleasant or painful – is also impermanent. «‘Having left the faculty of the nose lacerated by a sharp burning, flaming and burning nail cutter, I will attend only this: the nose is impermanent, the smells are impermanent, the nose consciousness is impermanent, the contact of the The nose is impermanent, any sensation arising from the contact of the nose as a condition-be it pleasant, painful or unpleasant-nor painful-is also impermanent. «‘Having left the faculty of the tongue lacerated by one by a sharp burning, flaming and burning knife, I will attend only this: the tongue is impermanent, the flavors are impermanent, the conscience of the tongue is impermanent, the contact of the The tongue is impermanent, any sensation arising from the contact of the tongue as a condition-whether pleasurable, painful or unpleasant-nor painful-is also impermanent. «‘Having left the faculty of the body lacerated by a sharp burning, flaming and burning pole, I will attend only this: the body is impermanent, the tactile objects are impermanent, the consciousness of the body is impermanent, the contact of the body is impermanent, Any sensation that arises from the contact of the body as a condition-whether pleasant, painful or unpleasant-nor painful-is also impermanent. «‘Having stopped sleeping, I will attend only this: the mind is impermanent, the phenomena are impermanent, the consciousness of mind is impermanent, the contact of the mind is impermanent, any sensation arising from the contact of the mind as a condition – It is pleasant, painful or unpleasant-nor-painful-it is also impermanent. «Seeing this, monks, the learned learned noble disciple experiences disgust for the eye, for the form, for the conscience of the eye, for the contact of the eye, for any sensation arising from the contact of the eye as a condition – pleasant, painful or Neither pleasant nor painful. He experiences disgust for the ear … He experiences disgust for the nose … He experiences disgust for the tongue … He experiences disgust for the body … He experiences disgust for the mind, for the phenomena, for the consciousness of the mind, for the contact of the mind, for any sensation arising from the contact of the mind as a condition – be pleasant, painful or neither pleasant nor painful. «And having experienced disgust, it becomes dispassionate.Through dispassion, it is released and, once liberated, it reaches this knowledge: ‘this is liberation’. And he understands this: ‘the birth is destroyed, the holy life has been lived, what was to be done was done, behold, there is no future existence.’ « Imagine yourself on your deathbed, when you are 90 years old and fight for one more day, for one more hour and this thought comes to you: «I’ve spent 30 years of my life sleeping. The third part of this life. I have spent a third of my life not living. If he had been sleeping all the time, he would not have lived. For this I have had a human life? If I had been working, I would have worked twice as much. If I had been in leisure, I would have had twice as much fun. Instead, he slept … every day. «
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