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Foto del escritor: Tomás Morales y DuránTomás Morales y Durán

Perhaps the aspect that most separates a Buddha from the rest is his self-confidence. He is where he is and he knows he is. No one can reasonably come to say otherwise. And I say «reasonably» because beyond a fallacy or even insult, nobody objects anything reasonable against a Buddha.

Occasionally, such stupidity and lack of reasoning become tiresome, but none of this, let alone this, diminishes self-confidence. If Māra can not deal with him, let alone ordinary people.

Collection of Discourses Grouped Numerically The book of the cuatros AN 4.8. Self-confidence

«Bhikkhus, there are these four types of self-confidence that the Tathagata has, which holds the place of the bull’s chief, roars his lion roar in the assemblies, and sets the wheel of Brahma in motion. What four?

«I do not see any basis on the basis of which an ascetic or brahmin or deva or Māra or Brahmā or anyone in the world can reasonably reproach me, saying: ‘Although you pretend to be perfectly enlightened, you are not fully enlightened about these things’. Since I do not see any terrain like that, I live safe, intrepid and sure of myself.

«I do not see any basis on the basis that an ascetic or brahmin or deva or Māra or Brahmā or anyone in the world can reasonably reproach me, saying: ‘Even though you claim to be one whose spots are destroyed, you have not completely destroyed these spots.’ Since I do not see any terrain like that, I live safe, intrepid and sure of myself.

«I do not see any basis on the basis of which an ascetic or brahmana or deva or Māra or Brahmā or anyone in the world can reasonably reproach me, saying: ‘These things that you have said are obstructive are not able to obstruct anyone who is involved. in them ‘. Since I do not see any terrain like that, I live safe, intrepid and sure of myself.

«I see no basis on the basis of which an ascetic or brahman or deva or Māra or Brahmā or any person in the world can reasonably reprove me, saying: ‘The Dhamma does not lead the practitioner to the complete destruction of suffering, the goal which you teach it. « Since I do not see any terrain like that, I live safe, intrepid and sure of myself.

«These, bhikkhus, are the four types of self-confidence that the Tathagata has, which he possesses and which claims the place of the principal bull, roars his lion roar in the assemblies and sets the wheel of Brahmā in motion.»

These paths of doctrine, formulated in various ways, based on ascetics and brahmins, they do not reach the Tathāgata, He who has confidence in himself and has pierced the ways of doctrine.

Consummate, having overcome everything, set in motion the wheel of Dhamma out of compassion towards all beings. The beings pay homage to such a person, the best among the devas and humans, that has gone beyond existence.


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