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Foto del escritorTomás Morales y Durán

Pathological Anatomy of Ignorance

The principle of economy governs life. Economizing resources is the norm in evolutionarily successful systems. Among these systems we can include the human brain, which has evolved in such a way that it consumes 25% of the metabolism while in mass it represents a lot less, a 1.75%. It is a huge amount of energy that consumes to function and that is why he tends to regulate himself to save resources, making a balance between saving and evolutionary success.

It is evident that all saving brings with it a lower performance, what does not work does not burn, but its kind of organization can evolve up to points where its performance goes down to the point of not endangering life or reproduction, its consumption is minimal.

The human brain is configured as a huge hub of connections that shape the way it works. These connections, known as synapses, are what really define what a brain can or can not do.

The synaptic process takes two times, the synapse is created and, once used, it is destroyed. In this way the brain maintains its enormous versatility and flexibility.If the brain is trained properly and is skilled at building effective synapses, its performance is maximum. However, this is not economical.

When a synapse is repeated frequently, again and again, the principle of economy makes that synapse fixed, that is, not destroyed and recreated. Thus, despite the fact that these neurons are sequestered and inactive for other purposes, you do not need to be creating and breaking synapses again and again in frequent processes.

The set of fixed synapses is the fundamental structure of a brain, which distinguishes one from another, and determines its functioning. The brain specializes in a finite set of tasks and sacrifices power given by flexibility for the sake of energy saving.

This process led to the extreme involves a minimum consumption of oxygen and glucose which causes the latter, not being consumed, floods the body causing the so-called type 2 diabetes mellitus, and its known complications such as diabetic ketoacidosis, hypoglycemia, diabetic gangrene, retinopathies, neuropathies, nephropathies, disability and death.

Do not think, kill.

The brain is a plastic organ with the ability to adapt to the needs of the environment. A skilful brain, without fixed structures, can adapt to an infinity of situations. We know that in Samsara everything is impermanent, which makes the healthy brain a perfect tool to navigate through it. Of course, it requires a very high metabolic consumption.

The greatest human encephalization occurred in the transition between the Neanderthal and its subspecies, modern humans. The Neanderthal was a lone precultural human whose weapon to confront the hostile environment was his brain. He needed to solve problems at every moment, to survive and thrive and even gave him to create art, as he demonstrated in the cave of Maltravieso, in Cáceres, 66,700 years ago.

Its enormous brain of 1,740 cm 3 contrasts with the modern human who has 1,400 cm 3 and it is speculated that it was that large size that could lead to its extinction.

We found that the Neandertals had cerebellar hemispheres significantly smaller than Homo sapiens sapiens, particularly on the right side. The larger cerebellar hemispheres are related to superior cognitive and social functions, including executive functions, language processing, and episodic and working memory capacity.

The modern human brings mental economy from the possibility of the widespread use of the meme, the basic element of culture.

We can define the meme as the plane of a fixed synapse.

By definition, the meme is an informative element that is transmitted by imitation from one individual to another, although it can be stored in any means of information storage, with replication capacity.

Precisely imitation is the repetition of a brain activity and learning happens just when the synapse becomes fixed and it will become stronger, if it is used more, until reaching the point that the brain passes its connections through it, so which is in operation very frequently.

The concept of memeplex, or complex meme is also the description of networks of fixed synapses related to each other, so that by activating one of them, the current passes through the others in an almost predetermined way.

The main memetic transmission is based on language, something that modern humans developed thanks to their larger cerebellum and smaller brain. It is obvious that a fixed synapse that remains active for a long time determines its transmission. If the individual has something in mind continuously, sooner or later he will end up communicating it. Now, the success of the meme is its capacity for replication.

The memetic emitter we have seen that is predisposed to communication if the synapse is very used or the circumstance activates it. However, the receiver will adopt it as long as the new meme is compatible with its previous structures. The reason is that adopting a meme incompatible with the previous network requires the rupture of previous fixed synapses.

And, as we know, by definition, suffering is the physical pain that occurs when you break fixed synapses in the brain.

Adopting new ideas produces pain in a sclerotic brain, is the basis of fanaticism.Therefore, these individuals shun pain by making groups that think similarly and are hostile to any other individual or group that has incompatible memes because the transmission is a real aggression, it is a violent act that produces pain and, therefore, a reaction aversive

On the other hand, the dynamics of suffering consists of creating fixed synapses and then breaking them by adaptive necessity. Creation is caused by attachment, and maintenance by aversion.

It does not make sense to keep fixed synapses by sclerotizing the brain making it ineffective. Doing it is paid with suffering. And ordinary people suffer. And he suffers because of his tendency towards attachment, to aversion in a brain idiotized by the proliferation of useless fixed synapses, which are translated as ignorance.

An ignorant brain is a machine to suffer.

Unless it is closed to the environment, based on grunts, immersed in a deep aversion to change that leads to death from diabetes.

Without a culture and a society that supports these disabled individuals, they could not live. Precisely, society is configured as the set of individuals who share the same fixed synapses and is responsible for programming their offspring in them to sclerotize them and to be useful in the functions assigned to them by society, always within the «cultural framework». Here we see clearly that the culture brutalizes.

Culture provides fixed synapses where the individual should create them. Thus the answer is homogeneous, maladaptive. The culture is to the kitchen like the soup of envelope. Culture is an elaborate form of social ignorance. So it is obvious that people who think are frowned upon and are subject to bullying or mobbing. The society punishes its best brains with the bonfire, the gallows, the exile or the jail, although it is pink to isolate them and that its activity does not break it.

The next time you say something logical to an ignorant person and they respond with an insult, be aware that you just hit a meme with a stone, and that hurts.Much.

Because in the end what is the «ego»? The skeletal scaffolding in which he has turned a brain that promised and was ruined.

How much of a human does a fool have?

I’ll leave that for you to answer.

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