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Foto del escritor: Tomás Morales y DuránTomás Morales y Durán

«Before the truth that peace» was the motto of D. Miguel de Unamuno, rector of the University of Salamanca in the difficult times for the intelligence how they were the first times of the military uprising that gave origin to the Spanish civil war.That motto that transports us to the Greek pahrresia is an essentially Buddhist motto. Telling the truth is unpopular and even irritating because it bothers, hurts and even hurts the one who already has the wound open: the liar. Hypocrisy dresses in kindness, tolerance, compassion.

Appears as moderation and his only interest is to censor the wise.

To the liar every lie serves him, what he does not support is the truth.

Throughout the sutta nikaya, the Buddha never appeared tolerant, kind to the mistake, or even intuited an attempt to negotiate or reach an agreement. He has the truth and whoever disagrees is a fool or a fool. But it reaches more.

The Buddha declares that it is not wise to criticize with contempt the fool, the imbecile, the one who is lost in error and attests to it. And even more radically condemns a long hell to the fool, to the imbecile, to the errant who claims the privilege of criticizing the wise or the truth that he defends.

Criticizing with acidity is characteristic of buddhas, to transact with kindness is typical of infernal beings. It is quite radical, but things are like that.

Now examine yourself how many times you have tolerated the error or criticized the wise man. The kamma that brings is terrible.

The following sutta makes it very clear. Who has ears to hear. And eyes that you, understand and take note.

Aṅguttara Nikāya The book of the fours 3. Despicable

«Bhikkhus, who possesses four qualities, the foolish, incompetent and evil person remains in a despicable and deficient condition; he is guilty and subject to reproach on the part of the wise; and he generates a lot of demerit.What four?

(1) «Without investigating or scrutinizing, praise someone who deserves disapproval. (2) Without investigating or scrutinizing, criticizing with disdain someone deserves praise. (3) Without investigating or scrutinizing, believe in a matter that deserves suspicion. (4) Without investigating or scrutinizing, he suspects an issue that deserves to be believed.

Possessing these four qualities, the stupid, incompetent and bad person is kept in a mutilated and wounded condition; he is guilty and subject to reproach on the part of the wise; and he generates a lot of demerit.

«Bhikkhus, possessing four qualities, the wise, competent and good person is preserved without problems and without damage; he is blameless and irreproachable by the wise; and he generates a lot of merit. What four?

(1) «Having researched and examined, he criticizes with disdain someone who deserves disapproval. (2) After having researched and analyzed, praise someone who deserves praise. (3) After having investigated and examined, he suspects an issue that deserves suspicion. (4) After having investigated and examined, believe in an issue that deserves to be believed.

Possessing these four qualities, the wise, competent and good person is preserved without problems and without damage; he is blameless and irreproachable by the wise;and he generates a lot of merit. «

The one who praises someone who deserves the blame, or blame one who deserves praise, throws with his mouth an unfortunate play for which he does not find happiness.

Lightweight is the unfortunate release in the dice which results in the loss of one’s wealth, the loss of everything, self included; much worse is this unfortunate attack to harbor hatred against the lucky ones.

For one hundred thousand thirty six nirabbudas, plus five abbudas, the slanderer of the nobles goes to hell, having defamed them with bad words and minds.

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