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Lies, Falsehoods and Memes

Foto del escritor: Tomás Morales y DuránTomás Morales y Durán

The idea of ​​lying is something like this:

«Lie is a statement made by someone who knows, believes or suspects that it is false in whole or in part, waiting for the listeners to believe him, so that reality is partially or totally hidden».

Not all falsehood constitutes a lie: fictions and exaggerations are not considered lies, despite being false.

The most important of the above definition is that the lie is on the part of the issuer, that is, if he believes, if he suspects that it is false in whole or in part. That is, a person does not lie, according to that definition, if he believes or thinks what he says is true. Lying implies intentional and conscious deception.

This relativity is fundamental to understand the relationships between people, their genesis and development, and understand how humans have abstracted from the notion of tribe from the lie.

Within that relativity, if the interlocutors understand the same statements as truth, the liar is the one who distorts the reality related to those statements. Liar is the one who lies, and, moreover, when it is classified as such it loses its credibility and with it the ability to influence that environment or tribe.

The lie has as partial synonyms the lie, the ball, the slander, the coba or the fallacy.

The lie requires a type of communication, whatever it may be. Either oral, or gestural, or written or by behaviors, etc. The idea is that a transmission is necessary.

An element that should always carry the lie, which is a necessary condition, but not sufficient, is to convey a falsehood.

And another element is that the issuer believes that it is false.

This is the case of issuing falsehoods without lying and without appearing to be a lie. This is the kind of interpersonal communication in which it appears that people are stupid, but they do not look like them.

We are before an archetypal example of memetic communication where the meme is transmitted and replicated independently of its truthfulness, but by what it really needs to do, its power of replication. If a meme is contagious, it is contagious whether it is useful, useless, false, true, helpful, destructive, or even good and useful.

Memes do not understand ethics and even less about the consequences of themselves. If they can replicate themselves, they do, no matter who falls, even themselves. They contain within themselves all the creative and destructive power of Darwinian evolution.

All falsehood is derived from ignorance, and this can be defined as the negation of conditionality, in any of its forms.

We will define the term «belief» as that meme shared by a group of people.If the belief is based on a falsehood, all subsequent development of it is also false. However, within that group, the transmission of these falsehoods is not a lie because all of them, including the issuer, take the contents for granted. In this way, a person outside this group of «believers» if he issues a message that differs from the belief, although for him it does not constitute a lie if it is for the group, so if he insists on that opinion he will be excluded because he considers it a liar.

This sense of «belonging» is fundamental for a gregarious animal like humans and even more so if you do not feel confident. The vast majority of shared beliefs have a dark origin that few have had access to, but they are disseminated as truth, studied and spoken about. In this way the group is cohesion and also differs from the rest.

The more crazy the belief, incredibly, it works better, because it does not require reasoning, only memory, and serves to immediately exclude those who are not of the group.

In this way, an individual can belong to many groups of beliefs and, interestingly, can be antagonistic without causing greater inconvenience.When you are with a group, use the beliefs of that group, when you are with another, those of another.

«These are my ideas, if you do not like them, I have others …»

The ultimate purpose of the belief, of the shared lie, is the belonging to a group. And that belonging, that possession, becomes part of the «I», so it is so strong. It is normal, too normal, to meet people who, when entering into debate about their ideas, immediately take it as a personal attack, an insult to their person, however crazy their ideas may be or however stupid their origin may be.

Memes manage to produce attachment simply by their capacity for replication, becoming part of the memetic fauna of the individual whose maximum exponent is the SELF. To detach oneself is to let go of the SELF, which is a form of dispossession, of loss that produces an aversion that can be irritating. Therefore it is observed that it is much easier to deceive people than to convince them that they have deceived them.

What we should note is that it is actually the memes that capture people, retain them and enslave them and keep them held by invisible but real chains of aversion. Therefore, believing is bad, very bad. To believe is to surrender to a meme only because it is attractive or it seems to us.

Here the reason does not fit. Memes do not need her.

This is one of the reasons why people seem stupid to us and, in effect, that is how they behave. And we must understand that there are powerful reasons for this.

The maxim » the truth will set you free » projects its meaning here. The freedom of the steppe wolf, which only obeys the truth. The truth knows no tribes, no countries, no religions, no football teams, no political ideologies, not even your family.

To nobody.


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