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Lies and your Bank

Foto del escritor: Tomás Morales y DuránTomás Morales y Durán

There is an unbreakable and always ignored law that says that whenever a traditional rule of conduct is violated, either through the government’s institutional coercion, or through the concession by the government of special privileges to certain persons or entities, always, sooner or later, harmful and unwanted consequences will appear in serious damage to the spontaneous social process of cooperation.

That is, before or after the abuse is paid.

And this is what Satan uses to torture the peoples over and over again. As in biblical myths, it uses temptation to make the powerful more powerful, the rich to make them richer, so that they fall into an orgy of moral depravity whose consequences drag everyone to suffering.

And the temptation is there.

Money is a fungible good because it can only be used once by its owner, although it maintains its physical existence. Due to its fungible nature it needs to be guarded because if it is spent, it disappears.

The basis of the banking business is precisely in the custody of fungible money. That’s why the banks were born and maintained, because of the need for custody. And it is a breach of a traditional norm of conduct that banks appropriate their clients’ money for their own benefit. This constitutes a manifest immorality. Just as if you hire a group of thieves the safety of some ships with food and the first thing they do is to enter them to eat and steal them.

With bananas everyone understands, but with money it seems that no, and the money is as fungible as a banana. If it is spent, goodbye.

What would be normal, normal is normal, would require banks to maintain at all times a reserve of 100% of the amount of fungible money received on deposit. Any act of disposition of that money, such as using it for the granting of credits, supposes a violation of a rule of conduct and, in sum, an illegitimate act of misappropriation, which unfailingly brings consequences.

Throughout history, bankers soon began to be tempted to violate the aforementioned traditional norm of conduct, using the money of their depositors for their own benefit. At the beginning they did it in a shameful and secret way, because the bankers still conserved the conscience of a bad proceeding and when they were caught they went to jail. But thanks to the connivance of governments, they manage to do so in an open and legal manner, by obtaining the privilege of using the money of their depositors for their own benefit (usually in the form of loans often granted at first to the government itself) .

In this way, the relationship of complicity and the traditional coalition of interests between governments and banks begins, and it perfectly explains the relations of intimate understanding and cooperation that exist between both types of institutions and that today is observed in all countries. Western in almost all instances.

And it is that the bankers immediately realized that the violation of the traditional principle of the mentioned right, gave rise to a financial activity highly lucrative for them, but that in any case demanded the existence of a lender of last instance, or central bank, that it provided the necessary liquidity in a few moments of trouble, that experience showed that they always arrived recurrently, in practice, almost every day.

The privilege of being able to use in their own benefit the money that they leave in custody gave rise to the system of what is called fractional reserve, which is based on a crazy, crazy idea. And it is that, if a depositor leaves in custody a money in his bank, this can use it immediately to give it as credit to another person, when spending that money in a third party, he enters it in another bank, and we repeat the cycle. That is to say, the same 100 euro bill is borrowed, and what is worse, spent, an infinite number of times.

But do not we find that money is a fungible good?

For bankers, not for them money is eternal. By passing the ticket between them over and over again, it generates benefits in the form of interest each of those times.

This leads to a state of orgy of total happiness, until the one who deposited the ticket goes to the bank and asks for his retirement. Here the problems begin … Obvious. What a stupid detail. This imbecile so he wants his ticket?

If this happens, the bank should ask the borrower to return it and he has already spent it and should return the goods he bought and return it in cash and the one he sold would go to the bank to take out the deposit he made to return that money, and so ad infinitum.

If there is no minimum reserve, this would happen every time you go to the ATM to make a cash provision. So, to put a little order, banks are required to have «only» part of their depositors’ money. At the beginning, it was 90%, so that, as the possibility that 10% of their clients wanted to withdraw money at the same time was very unlikely, they could be partying for a long time.

But sooner or later, it happened and the bank went bankrupt, bringing its depositors to ruin. The banker used to run away before they burned him alive.

The need to be covered in a moment of trouble, led this band of criminals to constitute among themselves a kind of box or common fund, to use money at the last extreme. This is how the central banks are born.

But karma can be cushioned, but not annulled. By syndicating these contingencies there is a risk that one of them will drag everyone into bankruptcy. And who wants the bankruptcy of the banks? At least, the government, no. So it gives him the ability to generate all the money he wants from nothing. Thus, no longer only one bank or one banking system falls, already it is necessary to throw to all the society.

And how is this going to happen? It is unthinkable. But it happens every 8 years. And they are called «financial crises» that lead states to ruin.

But it does not matter, we can make lenders of last resort, like the IMF that in exchange for absorbing the tangible assets of the populations that «helps» maintains a fictitious liquidity so that the banks continue with their orgy of shameless larceny.

The introduction of these measures of «rescue» of the banks also served to reduce the amount of reserve money, which went from 10% to a current low of 1%.

So we introduce a little-known concept for depositors, but basic in banking jargon, and it is «commercial bank money», to distinguish it from «central bank money». We already know that central bank money is lying money.Well, look, if you take a € 100 bill lying to your bank to keep it, that is, you see a number «100» on your bank statement, that bill that is «100 euros from the central bank» spend at that moment to be «100 euros of commercial bank» which is equivalent to 1 euro of central bank, that is, at that moment they have already deducted the 99 euros that they will use for what they want to finance, since your The bank only answers 1% of what you deposit.

The technical mechanism is as follows, your bank calls the central bank telling you that you have a 100 euro bill and that you go to pick it up. Then, the central bank grabs your ticket and puts it in a drawer, and write down in the account that your bank has in the central bank 10,000 euros of commercial bank of which you can dispose at your whim, for example, to finance yourself a purchase of a medium car with a credit card. The car costs you 10,000 euros and the bank finances them with the 100 euros that you have paid, and for the inconvenience, it charges you an interest of 23%, which is what your money produces, for lending to you your own money.

Do not tell me you are not geniuses and your government a rebellion of unscrupulous thieves.

When you go back to your bank to get your 100 euro bill, the bank asks the central bank for authorization to give you one of your tickets. Then, the central bank looks if you have 10,000 euros in your account and if so, it is canceled and you can already get the ticket. But if he gave you credit for the card and you still have not paid anything, you put him in a compromise, and the bank asks the central bank to create money from nothing to pay you. The first thing the central bank does is tell your bank to ask the other banks, which will charge a high interest to leave it one day and then settle accounts, because your bank expects you to pay the first monthly payment.If the others do not want to lend it, the central bank will do it at an agreed interest rate.

Now that, if the central bank does not want to give him the money, he sends it directly to bankruptcy.

This mechanism happens every day at the close of the box. And commercial banks can continue to steal with both hands thanks to the central bank that assists and protects them.

Recall that the central bank is owned by private commercial banks and that it has obtained from the government the exclusive power of creating money from nothing, from lying money, which is legal traffic money.

The government and the banks, is worthy of further study, because it is what determines all the policy they make and the laws that they impose on you.

In short, when you go back into your bank branch and the employee gives you good morning, remember that this nice lady is a professional thief who lives to steal from you. And that, in addition, it uses the concept of «fault» when you delay in the payment of your credit to make you feel bad.Because he’s a bastard and sadistic thief.

As one had to protest and makes you feel guilty because you have been able to eat us today.

These things are what happen when you live inside the lie. And you, feeling bad …


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