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Doubt while you can

Foto del escritor: Tomás Morales y DuránTomás Morales y Durán

Doubt represents most of the time a kind of mental torture that makes decision making difficult. The reaction that causes doubt is usually very unpleasant, so it is very uncomfortable.

Doubt is an opportunity, just like crises. It is a way that facilitates the advancement of knowledge. However, doubt provokes rejection, aversion to doubt.

To be carried away by this aversion, aversion belongs to the realm of the reptilian brain, leading to the rapid adoption of solutions that put an end to doubt. In this way we look for quick certainties that end with doubt.Thus, obvious and even ridiculous falsehoods are accepted as true, based solely on an appearance of truth.

Examples of appearances of truth are tradition, writings, cultural and religious beliefs, custom, the word of an influential or important person, etc.

An individual in the face of doubt can react unfavorably by adopting an appearance of truth, a falsehood that serves to quickly resolve the situation and that does not require the use of thought, only imitation.

Another unfavorable form of reaction to doubt is systematic denial.Neither does it require the use of thought.

However, Doubt is a process of discovering the truth instead of a blank rejection.

Doubt can be projected in the fields of decision and action, or affect only the belief, faith or validity of knowledge. If a conventionally accepted «truth» precedes it, doubt implies insecurity in its validity.

Science is based precisely on doubt.

The mathematical methodology is based on intuition that must be falsifiable, so that once a truth is intuited, what remains is to falsify it so that its falsity can not be demonstrated. For this, the search for the counterexample, the reduction to absurdity and the projection of the consequences of this truth are applied successively and if its falsity can not be demonstrated, it can be taken as truth.

Then we proceed to the task of empirical demonstration.

The God of science is called an experiment.

Most scientists, being skeptical scientists, prove the veracity of certain types of statements by subjecting them to systematic research through the scientific method. As a result, a number of statements are considered pseudoscientific if they are found to inappropriately apply or ignore the fundamental aspects of the scientific method. Scientific skepticism can discard beliefs pertaining to things outside perceptible observations and therefore outside the scope of falsifiability / systematic empirical testing.

Religious skepticism usually refers to doubting certain religious beliefs or claims. Historically, religious skepticism can be traced back to Socrates, who doubted many religious statements of the time. Current religious skepticism places more emphasis on scientific and historical methods or evidence.

The skeptical doubt must be put before the faith.

A kind of faith is denial without proof.

Doubt makes us think and we already know that it is something that not everyone can do.

On the path to Enlightenment doubt literally vanishes at the Entrance into the Stream. The individual, already a noble apprentice, is unable to experience it. He knows that it is so, although he still can not find out why, or why.

It is a great rest and relief and it really is appreciated. The tension of doubt grips and encourages rejection by pure aversion.

First of all, look, observe. Use it and if it is experimental, use it.

Your liberation is at stake.

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