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Foto del escritor: Tomás Morales y DuránTomás Morales y Durán

To hear is something that is inherent to human existence. We hear since we have use of reason and we know what we hear. We listen to the talk of a speaker, the voice of our mother, the cry of a child, what our boss tells us …

We also hear noise and know how to distinguish the horn of a car from the song of a bird.

The ear also gives the possibility of providing pleasure in various ways. The most obvious is music.

What we think we know about sound, that something emits it, that it propagates in the form of waves, that it reaches the ear and the brain processes it is simply a lie.

From end to end.

The Royal Spanish Academy of the Language is quite wrong when defining soundas the sensation produced in the organ of the ear by the vibratory movement of bodies, transmitted by an elastic medium, like air.

In the organ of the ear no sound is produced, in the ear you can not find any sound, indeed, you do not even need the ear or the auditory system for the sound to occur.Just listen to the little voice that is telling you what you’re hearing, or just remember a Supertramp song. What are you hearing it?

Well, there is no source, no channel, no receiver, no ear or anything that looks like it.

And they are not necessarily memories . You can make a speech even shouting without producing sound. And sing a song that is happening to you without moving your lips, without emitting anything.

Hearing does not occur on the outside, nor in the ear. Not even in the brain.Hearing occurs in the auditory interface, part of what we call rūpa, and it is the auditory conscience that is responsible for observing it.

Without an awareness that observes sounds, there are no sounds. And without an auditory rūpa interface either. From what you observe, consciousness, we can only assert the existence of what is delivered: voices, music, noise … Conceptual elaborations.

Everything happens in the mind. We’re going to make that clear. Mind is consciousness (what you observe) and the namā-rūpa interface (what is observed) where there is no one without the other. There is nothing «waiting to hear» or anything «waiting to be heard».

When we hear a person «talk», what the interface does in a complex process of sampling signals, creating sounds and comparing patterns, both of the timbre to determine who is the voice, as well as the tone and height for know what emotional environment it is and compare it with stored sound samples to identify them and assign a label or name (this is done by the namā interface) and replace the sound sample with a recognizable word. So we hear.

If you did not know, you already know. Things are the way they are, not the way they seem to be. And if we do not take into account all this, it is useless to try to understand what is and what is not music, what is harmony, what is art, which is everything.

We will not fall into satanic superstitions or baptismal salvation, which are nothing less than the pillars of what we call Western music .


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