The principle of economy governs life. Saving resources is the norm in evolutionarily successful systems. The problem is that because of so much cutting back, people prefer to believe rather than verify because it is cheaper. And believing is easy if you have lies at hand, because the lie is designed to be believed. This is what this book is about, lies. Of the thousands of lies that build the vital frame of reference of the human being that serve him to try to spend a life without having to think, reacting to stimuli according to his limbic system like any amphibian. And, of course, the smart ones who for thousands of years have been using the same scams to swindle and live off the fools who consume their lives, their resources, their work and sacrifice their children to make rich and important those who gave them a lie and they made it their own. If you strip a rich man and a poor man, you don't see the difference. The difference is depending on which side of the lie you are on. After reading this book, nothing will be the same.
You Fools Are the Fuel of History