The long and winding road that the various texts have traveled to reach the ones we have today is a reflection of the long, diffuse and intermittent history of Buddhism in Asia. We must remember that at the time of the Buddha the cultural advances of the Harappan civilization had been forgotten for millennia. And there would still be a century and a half before the first scripts appeared that gradually made possible the adoption of writing. The Buddha technically lived in prehistory. The transmission of knowledge was carried out exclusively through the oral route. This is important for the presentation and development of this work. The speeches obey mnemonic structures made to be remembered by large groups of bhikkhus, each of them with parts that, in turn, are shared by other bhikkhus, so that the redundancy was sufficient to overcome loss of information as a result of the death of certain individuals or even were able to somehow survive calamities and mortality, until a century before the common era, they decided to pass the teachings to flimsy palm leaves to avert all these risks once and for all.
The Book of Conditionality - Saṁyutta Nikāya
Collection of Intertwined Discourses of the Buddha (Book 2)