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Perhaps it is the influence of positivism that has gouged out the eyes of humans, throwing them at the feet of a science incapable of poorly answering anything that is beyond a what and a how, but never a why and even less, a for. what. For positivists, only what can be spoken (and therefore, thought) matters. Since the answers are not found there, they walk blind, lost, showing their gouged-out eyes in their hands, saying that what those eyes see is what it is. What really matters in human life is precisely that about which we cannot think (and therefore speak). What the eyes do not see. The most that the individual can reach is the limit of the world, which is the limit of what he can think, the limit of his language. The explanation of the meaning of the world must remain outside the world. We could only say things about the world as a whole if we could go outside the world, that is, if it ceased to be the world for us. And for it to cease to be the world for us, we must move to a much vaster world, already devoid of language, unable to think about it, being incapable of expressing it. There are beams that cross the world and belong to the structure of all worlds that can only be appreciated when you are outside of all worlds, although also in the simplest and most everyday things. They can be appreciated but not seen. Ethics is one of them. It pierces the whole world by being a condition of it. Perhaps this is why humans fail to understand it and confuse it with morality. In any case, acting in harmony with ethics is acting in harmony with the worlds, and harmony with the worlds does not transfer dissonances, it is free of suffering. By contrast, morality (from Latin moralitas "mode, custom") is a set of standards or principles derived from a code of collective conduct in a particular culture. They are the rules of behavior that a flock of blind sheep have developed out of habit and that only tries to distinguish those that remain in it and those that do not, while they all go (are) on their way to the slaughterhouse.