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Adrenaline is a molecule that is produced by the body naturally in the adrenal glands. It can also be synthesized in the laboratory and that is when it acquires the name of epinephrine. Both terms are practically synonymous. Its purpose is to provide energy to the body so that it can respond to a potential threat or dangerous situation.
When released into the bloodstream it acts as a hormone and when released in the synaptic gap it acts as a neurotransmitter. Adrenaline as a hormone travels through the blood circulation reaching different cells and areas of the body where it initiates multiple reactions. As a neurotransmitter it acts as a chemical messenger. Its effect is closely related to attention, alertness and the brain reward system.

The person in charge of giving the order for the release of adrenaline from the adrenal glands is the hypothalamus (located in the brain). Faced with a dangerous situation, both strength and speed increase and the ability to feel pain decreases.
Adrenaline is synthesized in the adrenal gland which converts the amino acid tyrosine through a series of intermediates and ultimately becomes adrenaline. It belongs to the group of catecholamines, which are a group of hormones related to the response to stress.
The process is as follows: tyrosine is first oxidized and levodopa is obtained. It is then decarboxylated to give dopamine. This oxidation provides norepinephrine which is methylated and synthesized into epinephrine or adrenaline.
Faced with a situation of stress, danger or risk, the adrenergic response is activated that involves adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine. Adrenaline is channeled through the blood and acts on different organs and parts of the body where it will cause dilation of the respiratory tract to increase the entry of oxygen into the body, vasoconstriction of blood vessels, increased heart rate, etc
Adrenaline or epinephrine is a bronchodilator. It allows the bronchi and muscles of the lungs to relax and dilate, and increases the rate of breathing by increasing the level of oxygen to allow better physical performance.
Adrenaline or epinephrine acts on receptors in the heart, causing an increase in the force of contraction and increasing heart rate and blood pressure. It also dilates the pupils, allowing more light to enter in order to improve the ability of vision and perception and increases attention.
In addition, it activates the energy reserve present in the form of glycogen that is degraded to glucose, to increase energy metabolism.
In times of emergency, it inhibits the functioning of the intestine so that it does not spend energy that would be necessary for the emergency.
In addition, the binding of epinephrine to adrenergic receptors can inhibit the release of insulin from the pancreas, stimulate glycogenolysis in the liver and muscle, promote glucagon secretion in the pancreas to achieve elevated blood glucose, increase secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) in the pituitary and increase lipolysis in adipose tissue to meet energy needs. All these effects raise blood glucose and the concentration of fatty acids in the blood, allowing to increase energy within the cells of the body.
There are people who experience symptoms of anxiety or stress who are looking for new ways to release more adrenaline. This substance produces a momentary state of euphoria, maximum energy and capacity for action, followed by a pleasant feeling of relaxation.
However, people who are exposed to continuous or chronic stress release this substance continuously, which can harm their health. Excess adrenaline sometimes causes different pathologies, such as hypertension, headaches, nausea, sleeping problems and increased obesity. Along with cortisol, adrenaline causes more fat and sugar to be deposited in the abdomen.
When a person gets used to strong adrenaline rushes, they end up suffering from symptoms similar to those of an addiction: fatigue, fear, nervousness, and the need to take stimulants. In extreme cases, the immune system may begin to fail, which leads to the chronification of many diseases.
The following exercise affects the production and release of this neurotransmitter. During the performance of this exercise, the Duchenne smile is not used, however it is essential to have released and that sufficient amounts of dopamine, serotonin and anandamide are in the brain. To do this, it is not only necessary to release them one after the other, but also to do it consecutively and quickly so as not to give time for them to be recaptured.
The way in which the mind will be directed is given by the following formula:

Cuya interpretación gráfica parcial es la siguiente:

The abscissa axis represents the time in tenths of a second. The ordinate axis is the amount of air inside.
The zero value represents the rest state. The ups are inhalations and the downs are exhalations. The pressure is maximum on exhalations. It intensifies using more and more energy, until the glottis area is clearly seen to inflate and sink.
This perspective is from outside. It is not used seeing it like this. The mind is placed within the same plane of the curve and on it and remains connected throughout the shape, going up and down, increasing the frequency and intensity, as if we were inflating a bicycle tire with a pump, which goes away. warming up with effort.
This graph represents a finite section of a curve that has no end. The exercise is continuous and indefinite until a sufficient amount of epinephrine has been released.
At a point, beyond maximum arousal, all the air is expelled and the enkephalins pass.
Pleasure, happiness and joy have taken you to the highest peak, even if you don't stop to observe, you perceive that the view is beautiful, the emotions you experience are unique, you can feel how the discharges run through you from top to bottom. Standing on the edge you look into the void and notice that you are above the clouds, you prepare yourself, you begin to breathe in short intervals with force, inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale, all you want is to jump, inhale and exhale each time faster with more force, everything is concentrated in the breath, in the movement, you take momentum in the inhalation and you throw yourself into the void with your lungs full, without fear, without vertigo, without a doubt... you are ready to fall and soon everything will stop...