
Tomás Morales y Durán is a Spanish-Mexican author, translator, and researcher born in Cáceres, Spain, in 1961 but who has developed his work in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. He is a multifaceted polymath whose enormous activity almost overwhelms the capacity of a single person.
The Buddha was looking for the end of suffering and the author, the door to Wisdom, and in the end, both were the same.
A polymath and artist, with encyclopedic and mathematical training, he soon learns to use intuition that will help him accumulate an exaggerated conventional training curriculum. But none of that serves to ask and answer any important questions, since all this kind of thinking is circumscribed to the sphere of language. And reaching the border he enters the speculative and unsatisfactory fields of philosophy.
Going beyond requires breaking down the limitations of the human mind. With language areas running wild, with a limbic system chemically commanding the entire brain based on primitive algorithms inherited from primitive amphibians, and senses unable to transcribe reality, the brain is not the tool, but the impediment. .
Escape from the sphere of language, therefore, can only be done by leaving the human mind and this is achieved by stopping the brain. In this way, consciousness can temporarily free itself from this bondage, explore other spheres and enter new dimensions of knowledge beyond the human.
As of 2019, he begins to publish these escapades chronologically in the work Tratado Sobre la Sabiduría, which consists of thirteen volumes and 708 sections that complete the vision of reality from the correct perspective, which is achieved through wisdom, which is the coordinated set of Rational Thought, Tranquility and Intuition, Gnosis, Paranormal Abilities and Episteme. Shortly after he published the English version entitled Treatise on Wisdom. That same correct perspective reveals the lies that build the cultural framework in which humans are trapped. The Fools are the Fuel of History, Teresa of Jesus: the fetid smell of Holiness or the surprising Jesus of Nazareth: the Sewers of Rome are examples of this and that leads to the acid irony of Banderillas.
Even music is caught in webs of lies. Música a Todo Color reveals what music is like, simple, elegant and easy.
On this journey, we will discover that those same paths were already trodden millennia before by Gotama himself. The Buddha was looking for the end of suffering and the author, the door of Wisdom, and in the end, both were the same.
In the project of reconstructing the true biography of Buddha Gotama, he finds that the translations of the Pāli texts are inconsistent and useless to establish a serious work. Therefore, he first undertakes the translation of all the original nikāyas and once this work is finished and when he begins to consolidate it, he realizes that it is the texts themselves that give the information of their true translation and not the traditional dictionaries. He finds himself in front of a gigantic sodoku where each concept has a single word and each word a single concept, which is logical as it is an artificial language built to house these same texts. At the end of the work, more than 6,000 pages, we meet for the first time the true Word of the Buddha after more than twenty-four centuries, pure and radiant. From the first translation into Spanish, it goes to English and from there to nine other languages.
The author is currently working on the first Authorized Biography of the Buddha, which is surprising on every page.
A good part of the work of Tomás Morales has been translated into twelve languages.