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Tomás Morales y Durán
14 jul 20185 Min. de lectura
Vipassanā (V). The Heretical Lineages
As we have seen, Vipassanā is not a «technique» of «meditation», but a heretical movement incardinated in the Burmese nationalist...
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Tomás Morales y Durán
12 jul 20185 Min. de lectura
Vipassanā (IV). Venerated Saints
Almost all modern vipassanā groups were founded by schismatic monks, and although there is no recorded case where one of them declared...
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Tomás Morales y Durán
12 jul 20185 Min. de lectura
Vipassanā (IV). Santos Venerados
Casi todos los grupos vipassanā modernos fueron fundados por monjes cismáticos, y si bien no hay ningún caso registrado donde uno de...
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