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Tomás Morales y Durán
15 sept 20182 Min. de lectura
Economic Ecology
There are two ways to get wealth. One is creating it and the other is depraving it. While the first requires effort and the application...
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Tomás Morales y Durán
13 sept 20182 Min. de lectura
The Wealth
The sustainable transformation of nature is what enables the survival of any living being in the long term. This transformation requires...
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Tomás Morales y Durán
31 ago 20186 Min. de lectura
Lie and Economy
People tend to think that economics is something very serious, where nonsense has no place, because you play with money and that, always,...
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Tomás Morales y Durán
21 may 20184 Min. de lectura
The Theravada Religious Economy
It has recently been argued that the theories of religious economics have been derived from the study of Christian countries and are...
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