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Tomás Morales y Durán
12 jul 20185 Min. de lectura
Vipassanā (IV). Venerated Saints
Almost all modern vipassanā groups were founded by schismatic monks, and although there is no recorded case where one of them declared...
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Tomás Morales y Durán
8 jul 201820 Min. de lectura
Vipassana (II). The Heresy
Before entering the subject, it is necessary to make clear the basic ideas about the «Buddhist apocalypse», that is, the arrival of the...
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Tomás Morales y Durán
2 jul 20184 Min. de lectura
Vipassanā (I). The Genesis of a Deception
One of the most recognizable commercial products of modern theosophical Buddhism is, without a doubt, the so-called » vipassanā...
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Tomás Morales y Durán
13 jun 20189 Min. de lectura
Revival (III). Burmese Buddhism
89% of Myanmar’s population practices Buddhism, and is predominantly of Theravada tradition. It is the most religious Buddhist country in...
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